How to prepare for your formal appointments

How to prepare for your makeup application

    1. Exfoliate your skin using a gentle face scrub or a warm washer.

    2. Apply your evening skincare routine. DO NOT apply active ingredients (such as AHAs, BHAs, Vitamin A, Retinol, Vitamin C, or anything that has anti-ageing or brightening properties).

    1. Cleanse your face to remove all night-time skincare products.

    2. Apply a hydrating serum if you currently already use one, otherwise skip this step.

    3. Apply a moisturiser and lip balm (don’t use anything containing Vitamin C or sunscreen/SPF).

    4. Drink lots of water to keep skin plump and glowy.

    1. Please visit our Instagram and go to the ‘Studio’ highlight to familiarise yourself with where our studio is.

    2. Arrange for somebody to drop you off - parking and traffic in the CBD are awful during school formals.

    1. Arrive to your appointment 15 minutes early - we may be able to get you in early so you can finish makeup early!

    2. Have some photos ready to show me - your dress, your jewellery, your hair (if you haven’t already had it done) and some makeup inspo pics.

    3. Wear something you can easily take off without wrecking your hair and makeup.

    4. Arrive to your makeup appointment with only your skincare on your skin (following the ‘Skin prep - the day of’ steps above).

    5. Do not wear makeup to your appointment - if I need to remove your makeup, this will cut into your makeup application time.

    6. Please pop your phone away during your appointment - using your phone will cut into your makeup application time and stops me from being able to do your makeup properly.

  • Your makeup will be designed to last throughout the whole night. The only thing you should need to touch up is your lippy, and we have these available to purchase at your appointment for $30 each.

    To ensure the longest wear of your makeup:

    1. Drink from a straw, and ensure your food is in smaller bite-size portions.

    2. Don’t touch your face. The more you touch your face, the quicker your makeup will come off.

    3. Stay cool and dry - where possible, stay in air-con for as long as you can, and try not to get in any situations where you might get hot or sweaty.

    4. Understand that the face is a living, moving thing: makeup can’t last forever.

  • You are welcome to bring some makeup inspo pics, but they are not compulsory.

    I prefer to work without inspo pics to give you a makeup look that is best suited to you.

    Please note: many people show me inspo pics that are edited, filtered and facetuned, so please do not expect to look exactly like any inspo pic that has been edited.

How to prepare for your tan

    1. Please visit our Instagram and go to the ‘Studio’ highlight to familiarise yourself with where our studio is.

    2. Arrange for somebody to drop you off - parking and traffic in the CBD are awful during school formals.

  • Please ensure all hair removal has been done 24 hours before your tan appointment.

  • Please ensure your nails are done 24 hours before your tan appointment.

  • Ensure all hair removal is done, and nails have been done. Gently exfoliate your skin

  • Shower 2+ hours before your appointment.

    Arrive to your appointment completely clean - this means no moisturisers, perfumes, deodorant, residue from band-aids/strapping tape/hollywood tape